Zumurrud and Nur Al-Din
Through a series of unfortunate events, Zumurrad had found herself crowned king of a city. She was a just ruler and had decided she must keep up the pretence that she was a man, so that she might use her position to look for her husband, from whom she had been separated from a year past.
Soon, though, her people started to talk. Why had the king not taken a wife? Eventually, she realised that she must marry to keep up the pretence and soon she found herself married to a lovely woman. The new queen was kind and patient but soon she began to think there was something wrong. Why would her husband not lay with her? The pressure and secrets soon became too much for Zumurrad   and she told her wife the whole story, confessing to her her true identity as a married woman. The queen was shocked at first, but after hearing the story of Zumurrad and Nur al-Din she wished to help and the two women formed a strong bond. The queen was loyal to her word and kept Zumurrad’s secret. In daily life, they acted as King and Queen, but in their chambers they were free to be at ease, working together to try and reunite Zumurrad with her lost husband.
How will it end for Zumurrad?
Will she be able to keep her identity a secret?
Will she ever find her husband?
You will have to wait til tomorrow night …