The Demon's Wife
The King was angry at his wife for committing adultery. After a day of much heartbreak and violence, he decided he needed to get away with his brother to forget about her. After a time riding, they came to a large shady tree next to the sea and decided it was the perfect place for rest and some respite from the heat.
Whilst unpacking their lunch, they heard a sound coming from the sea and noticed that foam and surf had begun erupting from an unusual point in the middle of the water. After a few moments, they heard an unearthly cry and saw a site that astounded them both – A black pillar emerging from the sea. They scrambled up into the safety of the trees branches in fear, peeking through the leaves, a kind of morbid fascination rendering them unable to look away. Soon they saw that the great black pillar was in fact a tall demon and on his head a glass box, containing the most beautiful woman they had ever seen.
Once on the shore, the demon put the box down and unlocked it, allowing the woman to step out. He instructed her to sit down on the grass below the tree and he lay down with his huge shaggy head in her lap. As she stroked his tangled locks, the demon began to snore, emitting great terrifying grunts like a tornado whipping at the windows of an old house. 
When she was sure the demon was asleep, the woman unwound a purse that had been hanging at her bosom. She opened up the purse to reveal a vast collection of men’s gold rings. She turned them in her hand so they glinted in the light, then she raised her head and stared directly into the tree, to where the two brothers were shaking in its branches.
Will the woman give their hiding place away to her terrifying demon husband?
How did she collect her treasures?
You will have to wait til tomorrow night …