The Fisherman and the Jinni
There once was a poor fisherman who was at his wits end. There was nothing in the sea for him to catch but other people’s litter – old dented copper pots, bedraggled fishing nets and fish bones.
It was a day the same as many others and, as per usual, he walked to the sea and cast his net with a heavy heart, singing mournfully to himself.
After a while, he pulled out his net, spotting a number of suspect-looking fish, the kind that he was so used to tossing aside half-heartedly, no more than a morsel amongst the junk. But then he spotted it,   a glint behind the cloudy grey copper. He rubbed it to see if there was something more behind the grime. Haaaawooooph! A jinni appeared!
”Well I never!” the fisherman exclaimed, ”What a lucky day it is! I can wish away our troubles with this jinni and his three wishes!” But jinni’s are troublesome and mischievous creatures. Do you think he will answer the fisherman’s prayers so easily? 
You will have to wait til tomorrow night…